摘 要:通過分析與試驗,發(fā)現(xiàn)造氣爐夾套失效的原因是由于空程尺寸過大。
中圖分類號:TQ113.25 文獻標志碼:B 文章編號:1003-6490(2011)05-0026-02
Analysis of Failure Reasons of Water Lined jacket in Fixed-Bed Gasifiers
XU Guang-ping
(Shandong Yangmei Hengtong Chemical Co.,Ltd., Tancheng Shandong 276100,China)
Abstract:After analysis and experiment, failure reasons of the water lined jacket in fixed-bed gasifier is due to the air space oversized.
Key words:water lined jacket in fixed-bed gasifier;failure;air space size
1 存在的問題